A Caravan Park Planner must consider & deal with:
Location accessibility to topography of land native environment, water & water courses, power, effluent, maintenance requirements, building costs & supply of goods & services.
Type of client base to be attracted.
Facilities required to cater for that client or type of client, security, staffing requirements.
A planner should have knowledge of all the latest Caravan and Camping Grounds Act requirements and building codes, Statutory Issues relative to local Shire /Council and State Government issues relative to zoning as well as environmental.
When designing a caravan park it is important to know and target the type of person that the location will attract and provide facilities for that demographic. A planner must consider a wide range of specifics to ensure the caravan parks overall success.
For a caravan park to be sustainable it ideally needs to operate 12 months of the year.
If it is to cater only for a specific period of a year then a planner will need to consider how to maximise the return and efficiencies in the season weighed against maintenance and trading cost of the low season.

Dale Wood, Park Australia's Senior Planner has all these attributes and has vast experience in both buying and seeling Parks. His progress in the industry has reached a level unsurpassed by his contemporaries.
If you are considering a change in the layout of your Caravan Park, you should first visit followed by a call to Dale to discuss your ideas, which will allow Dale to assist towards a professional result.
Remember, you use an accountant to help with your finances, a solicitor for any legal aspects, so you should use a Professional Planner to help move your Park to the next stage.