Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Design & Planning a Caravan Park

Park Planning is a division of Park (Australia)Thinking
the successful Caravan Park Sales group operating in South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory.

The planning and design details involved in the construction or reshaping of a caravan park are more involved today than in years past. It is a complex issue when considering designing a caravan park for today’s users and involves specific design and understanding of issues such as socio economic areas where the park is situated, which in itself adds many more varied considerations. Modern caravan parks can be likened to suburban subdivisions and the planning takes in many similar conditions. These include site area, lot size, floor space to lot area ratios, setbacks, road design, utilities and services, storm water design, vegetation, solar access, audio and visual privacy, building materials, flood liable land and bush fire hazards.  Read More:

Does your Caravan Park need a lift? Why not talk to THE GURU, Dale Wood. Call him on 0417 811 035. He would be delighted to help you.

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