Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Considerations when Redesigning a Caravan Park

The primary focus of the design is to provide a higher quality of living and to create a favourable environment for both permanent and casual occupants. This is achieved by following the regulations and exceeding some of the minimum requirements. The result is a park that has a superior living environment with large lots and a large proportion of open space. 

Modern caravan parks are planned in a similar way to suburban subdivisions. The designs take into account factors including site area, lot size, floor space to lot area ratios, setbacks, road design, utilities and services, stormwater design, vegetation, solar access, audio and visual privacy, building materials, flood liable land and bush fire hazards. Most of these factors have applicable restrictions in regulations with the exception of solar access, vegetation and the privacy issues. 

The use of caravan parks has changed substantially since their origination as holiday destinations. In recent years there has been a shift in the pattern of use of caravan parks with an increase in the proportion of permanent residents. This changing pattern in tenants and use has created new planning issues in the design of caravan parks. These changes have prompted new legislation and regulations to be implemented. As the demands on caravan parks continue to change the planning and design methods will need to evolve also. 

Using an expert Planning Service offered by Park Australia through their Park Planning division, ensures that all aspects of upgrading a Caravan Park are adequately covered and the park becomes the ideal place for the market of the area.

Contact Park Australia's Planning Expert, Dale Wood, for a greater understanding of what is needed to bring your park into a modern holiday establishment. Dales email address is

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